In a dystopian future, humans have gone blind due to a virus. The infected population, recluses deprived of sustenance and supplies, regress to a primitive state. There is, however, a glimmer of light and salvation.
Based on the novel “Blindness” by José Saramago.
In this project I experimented with the Book trailer form. We started from reading Saramago’s text, trying to express its main meaning. In writing the screenplay we imagined two parallel worlds, that of the blind and that of those who imagine they are blind. Black and white, light and shadow, visible and invisible come to dialogue in an attempt to raise awareness of the alienation of the contemporary world.
Luca Cerri
Alberto Clarizio
Rachele Corsi
Alvise Baia Curioni
Celeste Dalla Porta
Directed by Andrea Bernardi and Niccolò Donatini
Photography by Alessandro Beretta
Set design by Nina Donatini
MUA Raffaella Fiore
Music and sound effects by Giacomo Ventrella
Selected_Serbest International Film Festival (2022)
9 May 2021